Which Is The Best?
With so many electric toothbrushes out there these days, how are you to know which one is the best?
Well, the truth is, there is no best. Best is in the eye of the beholder. In this article we will simply give you our opinions on what we think about electric toothbrushes, then it is up to you to decide which one you want to buy.
Sonicare Toothbrush
Sonicare is probably the very best electric toothbrush on the market today. It is the market leader for a reason. While there is a ton of competitors these days, Sonicare has been making and perfecting the electric toothbrush for twenty years. Everyone else is just trying to play catch up.
Sonicare is a powerful toothbrush that gets a deep clean feeling that no other toothbrush can quite compare with. It is the closest thing to feeling like your teeth are as clean as after you visit a dentist. The bristles of the toothbrush move at a very high speed causing the water and suds from the toothpaste to vibrate and help to shake and remove all the bits of food particles and plaque from your teeth.
Sonicare really has done an amazing job with these product. It is the market leader, and the best you can get, for a reason. Of course there is a downside, as there always is.
You have to pay for this level of quality. A Sonicare toothbrush runs around $200 give or take. That is just a lot to pay for a toothbrush, no matter how you cut it. Is it worth it? Absolutely. You just can’t not take the high price into consideration when making the purchase decision.
Oral B Pro 1000 Toothbrush
The Oral B Pro 1000 has a lot of things going for it. First of all it’s an electric toothbrush that is reasonably priced. You can usually find these on sale at Walmart or Amazon for around $40, well within reasonable price range for most people.
But don’t worry about the price, it still has some of the really important features you are looking for like a two minute timer, a gentle brushing apparatus, and it’s head is compatible with a wide variety of different brushes. When the toothbrush is charged to capacity, it can usually last a good week of twice a day brushing, assuming that you are using the two minute timer.
This might be the best all around electric option, when you factor in price.
Quip Electric
The nicest thing about the Quip is that it is the size of a regular non electric toothbrush. Most electric brushes are too bulky, and the Quip does not need a recharging pedestal. It runs on regular Duracell type batteries. You can also use a rechargable battery if you want.
The sensitive sonic vibrations to clean your teeth, and they claim that this electric toothbrush is quitter than the competition. It also uses the industry standard two minute timer.
But Quip also has some serious gimmicks that are just foolish. The have a “specially designed” toothpaste that they recommend you use. Of course this toothpaste is “ADA accepted” which is just about as gimmicky as it gets.
And if you are really a sucker for garbage useless stuff, you might also be interested in the Quip refillable dental flosser thingy. It’s ADA accepted and the floss is mint flavored and vegan, whatever the heck that means.
Look, if buying some crappy flossing device is the only way that you are going to start flossing your teeth, then by all means buy that device. But if you can manage to floss regularly on your own, then just avoid it.
We like the Quip toothbrush, but the rest of the stuff is just plain unnecessary. To learn more about how to keep your teeth and mouth in great health, check out our article: Visiting The Dentist? Here’s What To Expect From Your Dental Exam.