Most Used Tips To Take Care Of Your Mouth

We think that simply brushing is enough, but we do not realize that the teeth are organs exposed to multiple attacks, and that is why we must exercise extreme care in order to enjoy a good denture for many years.

Brush Your Teeth After Each Food Intake

This is known, but treatable. When eating, the mouth becomes quite acidic, much more if what we have eaten or drunk was, such as juices, etc. And this acid is not good for the enamel that protects our teeth, so it is convenient to drink a little water and wait around 40 minutes for acidity levels to be reduced and thus do not damage the enamel when brushing.

Do Not Leave Any Rest

Manual brushing is a good principle, but it should be more thorough. You can use dental floss, but I recommend using irrigators and electric brushes. It is important to eliminate any rest, as it can be a focus of problems, from decay to bad breath.

Watch Your Diet

It is not only important to monitor the consumption of sugar, whose effects on tooth decay are well known, but the frequency of meals, since, as we have said before when we eat, we acidify the ph of our mouth, which weakens the enamel of teeth. So better not peck.

Avoid Tobacco And Alcohol

At first glance, the relationship that they can have with oral health may seem unimportant, but the difference between the population that consumes these substances and those that do not exist is surprising, as well as how quickly it improves upon abandonment.

Give Water And Milk

Water and milk for children under three are the best option. Nutritionists recommend not adding sugar to food or weaning drinks.

Replace The Bottle With Glasses From The Year

The Public Health System in England advises parents to encourage their children to drink from a free flow cup after six months of age and stop bottle feeding from 12 months of age. Teaching a child to drink with a straw can also help.

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

It is recommended to start brushing the teeth of children as soon as the first tooth appears with a paste without fluoride and supervise its brushing until the child is seven or eight years old. From the age of three, it is advisable to use only a small amount of fluoride toothpaste.

Use Sugar Free Medications

Parents are also advised to ask if a sugar-free medication is available and remind the doctor about this when making a prescription for the child.

As you can see, it is very simple to carry out these tips, and they will make your oral health improve quickly.